Almost all people want to have teeth that look like pearls. However, the food and drinks we consume during the day prevent our teeth from staining and getting the whiteness we want. For this reason, you can make your teeth look the way you want with Teeth Whitening procedures.
Teeth Whitening is the name given to the process of removing the stains and yellowing on the surface of the teeth with organic and inorganic substances. Individuals who take care of their personal care, want to have a beautiful smile and want their teeth to look like pearls generally apply to teeth whitening methods.
What are the Teeth Whitening Methods?
Teeth whitening pricesTeeth whitening methods are divided into two as teeth whitening procedures performed in dental outpatient clinics and natural teeth whitening methods.
Whitening Procedures Performed in Dental Polyclinics
The teeth whitening process performed in dental clinics is called Power Bleaching. In this method, the teeth are restored to their natural colors with the help of specialist doctors in private or state dental clinics. You can review our article to get information about teeth whitening prices. In this method, specially produced solutions are used to whiten your teeth. During whitening, the solutions are applied to your teeth with the help of a light and the whitening process is performed. In this way, your teeth can be whitened 4-5 times more. This method is the most reliable and the fastest method.
If the solutions used in the whitening process of your teeth in the clinical environment are used at a level of 10%, there is no harm to the teeth and gums in any way. Other drugs used to whiten teeth should definitely be used with the advice of specialist physicians.
Natural Teeth Whitening Methods
It is possible for people to whiten their teeth without going to clinics. We tried to give you information about Home Teeth Whitening Methods, where you can whiten your teeth and bring them back to their natural colors.
Teeth Whitening with Toothpaste
You should brush your teeth with toothpaste at least 2 times a day to avoid problems in your oral and dental health and to help keep your teeth white.
Teeth Whitening with Lemon and Baking Soda
Teeth whitening at home Those who want to whiten their teeth at home can use a mixture of lemon and baking soda. Throw a teaspoon of baking soda into a bowl and squeeze lemon on it. Then mix until foams form in the mixture. Then you can brush your teeth by applying a small amount of the mixture to your toothbrush. We recommend that you apply this mixture at most 2 times a week. Because it has an acid feature in the mixture, it can damage the teeth and gums when used too much.
Teeth Whitening with Baking Soda
If you brush your teeth with baking soda, you will notice that your teeth are whitening. You can try this method 2 or 3 times a week.
Teeth Whitening with a Mixture of Baking Soda, Salt and Vinegar
It is now known by everyone that baking soda and salt are methods used to whiten teeth. Vinegar helps to clean the stains on the teeth. By making this mixture, 1 teaspoon of baking soda, vinegar and salt is taken and mixed in a bowl. While brushing your teeth, apply some of this mixture to the toothbrush and brush that way. You will notice the difference when you make this mixture several times.
Teeth Whitening with Baking soda, Cinnamon and Sage
You can whiten your teeth with baking soda while cleaning the bacteria and inflammations on your teeth with sage and cinnamon. In order to create this mixture, which is among the Home Teeth Whitening Methods, add 1 teaspoon of baking soda and cinnamon to sage pounded in a mortar and mix.
Teeth Whitening with Banana Peel
You can whiten your teeth with the help of Banana peel, which is among the Teeth Whitening Methods. Banana peel contains plenty of potassium, magnesium and manganese substances. For this reason, you can whiten your teeth by applying the banana peel directly to your teeth.
Teeth Whitening with Bay Leaf and Orange Peel
Bay leaf helps to destroy the microbes formed on the teeth. For this reason, you can restore your teeth to their natural color with bay leaves and oranges. Crush the bay leaf until it turns into flour and then grate it with the orange peel and mix it. When you are going to brush your teeth, apply some of the mixture to the toothbrush and perform the brushing process.
Teeth Whitening with Strawberry
Strawberry prevents the strain and plaque formation on the surface of the teeth. Thanks to the malic acid contained in it and being rich in fiber, it can help whiten your teeth. To use this method, you must crush the strawberries into a puree. Then apply some of this puree to your toothbrush and brush your teeth that way.
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